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Reach Voters Where They Are.

Solvd Political is the leading full-service peer-to-peer texting provider in Washington State. You draft your message, and we’ll handle the rest.

Texting with us is the easiest, most cost-effective to get your message to the voters!


Set Up Fee: $250 (covers registration of campaign with cell phone carriers and rental of local sending number)

  • 282 characters with photo = $0.10 per text *MOST POPULAR*

  • 282 characters without photo = $0.08 per text

  • 136 characters with photo = $0.08 per text

  • 136 characters without photo = $0.05 per text

Note: Character limits include spaces. You may include one hyperlink per text.


  • We recommend 3-4 texts leading up to each election. This allows you to stay top-of-mind all the way up to election day, and educate voters on what sets you apart.

  • We encourage candidates to hghlight what makes them unique, while still following some best practices. We'd be happy to chat about what that looks like for your campaign!

  • We are usually able to deliver over 95% of messages we send. When delivered, texts are opened 98% of the time. Compare that to email where the average open rate is 15-20%.

  • We can send text, images, and even hyperlinks. Some of the most effective texts use all three.

Meet the Team

Austin Cooper, Founder

Braden Dennis, Manager

“We look forward to demonstrating how our services will tangibly benefit your organization or campaign. Together, we’ll help you supercharge your fundraising, reach out to new voters, build lasting relationships, expand your support, motivate your base, and get out the vote to WIN ELECTIONS!”

- Austin Cooper